onwards and upwards in the Spud school of SS fabrication!

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onwards and upwards in the Spud school of SS fabrication!

Postby Spudmurphy » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:58 pm

I really have to post pics showing the steps taken so far in my refurb! (slaps wrist).

The bonnet is basically "shagged" it's X'd, also has front crease , the brace is loose, broken in places to such an extent that I had to come up with a solution to at least stabilise it. So, I've almost finished the fabrication of a ss X brace that will fit in the centre of the shagged X brace - hole cut out for the light too.

I have thought about how to attachmy brace and think I have come up with a solution that will not involve bonding captive nuts - I have to trial this first before I go shouting from the rooftops that it works!!

Anyways onwards and upwards?- well the u shaped metal brackety thing on the top of the rear bumber, the brackety thing that engages or is about to, engage with my new thingamajig I bought from Ed's in Hem.Basically the nuts sheared on my "striker bar ". Ed sells them for 9 euros but I wanted to fabricate one myself - a longer one (reasons will be told on my refurb thread). So got a length of 5mm ss rod and will thread it appropriately. Also will make a s steel plate that the striker bar sits on - surprised to find that the original is a leathery thing.
My Dad was a jig n tool maker but no metric dies are in the box I inherited from him - damn you Delorean why didn't you use British Standard Pipe or BA or Whitworth lol
Vin 11789 one of the 50 Middle Eastern Cars
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